Sunday, 16 October 2011

Coen Brothers: Filmography

The Coen Brothers are producers, screenwriters and directors. Their work is well known for not being compressed or altered to fit into a genre or type. Their films have a meaning, not only held within the film. But for society and the way in which we live.

For instance: Fargo. This 'thriller' is about a pregnant police officer who is tracking down two men who have killed three people,including a sheriff in escape with a kidnapped woman, whom they are being paid to take so that a car salesman can make some money. This could be said to be this one man's cruelty toward his wife. Whereas I believe it reflects society and how some people could even harm the ones who love them, just to get some money.

Another film by Joel and Ethan Coen is True Grit. An adventurous western taken from a book. This film in particular is unusual as it is a re-make of another film. It tells the story of a young girl who's father was murdered. Because she shows such determination and 'Grit' this inspires others join her to kill the rutheless killer.Though she is descriminated in the begginig for being a 'child' and also female, she in the end is the one who shows true grit. Eventhough she hired an eledged 'tracker' who was a bit pathetic. Because she showed such faith in him, this lead to him in the end to also show what it means to have true grit.

Here are a few other films made by the Coens...
No Country for Old Men, Blood Simple, Raising Arizona, Miller's Crossing, Barton Fink, The Hudsucker Proxy, The Big Lebowski,O Brother, Where Art Thou & The Man Who Wasn't there.