Sunday 18 December 2011

Initial thoughts

My initial thoughts are to create a psychological horror genre piece.I have watched The Shining and Donnie Darko and i found them interesting storylines, and the set for The Shining was very good.

Another thought is to create a drama piece similar to The Usual Suspects. This I thought was a great film, but the beginning would be difficult to re-create. The scene involves darkness a varied range of shots and camera angles, someone getting shot, this would all be difficult to do for a school AS project.

I dismissed a comedy genre, this would be fun to make, but it would be hard to create something that others find funny. I may have an unusual sense of humour! The Inbetweeners was a good TV series, the men who made it used material that they found funny at school and used this to develop the script. To do a comedy around a school would be very challenging, and it has been done before.

Saturday 17 December 2011

The Brief

Our final piece is a two minute long film opening of a genre and theme of our choice.

I have chosen to show a  series of scenes concerning a girl who has lost someone (though this is not completely apparent in the opening scene).

I am interested in this because it is a sensitive and emotional issue that everyday people may have to face and i wanted to film this because i am interested in peoples' inner feelings and this can be shown in the media of a film. This will give me the chance to use the camera shots and angles to help create empathy with the girl. Also i can practise with a range of editing techniques to help establish this emotional response from the audience.

I do not want to create an all action or a violent piece because this i personally do not watch and am not interested in this film genre.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Mise En Scene: 300 And Dorian Gray

In this post I shall be commenting on the different themes and how they are each portrayed within these films. I have chosen 300 and Dorian Gray, firstly because of the strong contrast in periods, and secondly because they both represent leadership. 300 in a more positive way, in the effect that the king brings his warriors together to fight against slavery and cruelty. Whereas Dorian Gray is promoted to inflict harm and unhappiness for other, to indulge in his own sinful pleasure.

The costumes the men, in Dorian Gray, are wearing are smart suits. But all in different colours. For example, the artist is in a white suit with a hat, which he takes off when entering the brothel in which this scene is set. This is to show that he is a good person and represents light within the grungy setting. Also in white is the girl which Dorian sees and falls in love with. For similar reasons she wears this and is considerably more clothed than the prostitutes which surround her in their darker coloured corsets. Which makes her appear more wholesome and kind whereas the prostitutes present a darker, more sinful part of London.

Dorian however is wearing a dark red suit. This contrasts well and shows that though he seems good he has the ability to be evil, which is lodged in his soul.  
And Harry is in black which is to show that he is a dark and evil person, who later encourages Dorian to be the same.

300 on the other hand has people dressed in beige/white colours. Partly because it is set within a different time-frame, but also because it shows the kindness of the people of Sparta. Whereas the Persian messenger wears an outfit which is completely gold. This not only shows the wealth of the Persians but also their greed and cruelty. He also wears jewelry which makes all the Spartans look plain and not as pretentious as the Persians.

The lighting used in both films is very different. For instance the lighting in Dorian Gray is very dark and grungy. There is a dark yellow and sepia tint to this scene giving it an infected and filthy feel. It also makes us understand that it is a sinful place due to the dark contrasts and low lighting. Another interesting thing about the lighting is the fact that the artist is always in a lighter area than any of the other characters, for the same reason that he wears white.
However 300 has a far brighter lighting and though it has a slight sepia tint, it is fairly natural. To show the kindness and the goodness of the Spartans. Also the well in which the messenger is kicked into is black, and is the only dark part of the film. This represents hell and evil, because people believe that hell is underground and people who are evil are sent there.

The artist in Dorian Gray is always away from the other characters. This shows that not only is he in the light and wearing lighter-coloured clothes than the others, but that he is separated from them as he doesn’t have the same ability to commit evil as the them. Which, in contrast makes the others look more evil. Later on, there is a view from the painting of Dorian, which shows the characters looking into it. Most of this shot is held by Dorian himself, distanced from the other characters and, becoming evil himself.
The Spartan king is in front of all the others, this shows that he represents them and will fight for his people. When he turns on the messenger it is a view from just over the Persian messenger’s shoulder, showing us that it was Sparta against him. When later on in the film it is thousands of Persians against the three hundred of them.

The scene of 300 I chose features a Persian messenger at the edge of the well presenting the vulnerability of him against the Spartans. Because he is has threatened them with ‘slavery and death’ he is perceived to be evil, therefore in the ridge of the pit into hell. Also in the background is a line of soldiers, to represent the strength of their army against the Spartan slaves.
The setting of the Dorian Gray scene I chose is a brothel. They are drinking alcohol with women surrounding them, there are a lot of sexual references within their speech and in the setting in which they are sitting.

Basil and Dorian look extremely uncomfortable compared to Harry who is totally relaxed in the place he refers to as his ‘church’. Because they are ‘good’ men who do not visit such places. Harry however is leaning back into his chair observing the others, after Basil has left and Dorian sees the girl in the white dress he leans forward, and the camera focuses in his strong persuasive face. ‘Make it burn always with the hardest flame.
Tension is built throughout the 300 scene I chose, as the King paces up and down in silence. The King talks to the messenger who is standing, fairly vulnerably at the edge of the well. He then suddenly turns on the messenger, sword pointed directly at him.
‘earth and water, you’ll find plenty of both down there’ he indicates down the well. The messenger refers to them as madness. The King puts his sword back into its sheath and turns to his wife who nods her head. He turns round and kicks the messenger into the well and they throw the men he brought with him down into the blackness after.

Friday 25 November 2011

Just a few photographs I took and edited on a website for Horizon Industries

Link is below for the website I used.

These are the first three, I will be making some more, this was just a starting point

I particularly like these photos as they add atmosphere to the original shot. I am very interested in taking pictures and then adapting them to show emotions in people or atmosphere in the surroundings or landscape.
The top picture looks like an impressionist's effect.
The second i think makes the path look long and the figures seemed huddled together in the the distance.

The above picture contrasts light and dark to give an uneasy atmospheric effect.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Preliminary Task

Our task was to film a very short piece which showed someone entering a room and having any form of conversation with someone already in the room. Ours was intended to be comedic, in the light that it would show an intense situation which seemed very serious, to then make the audience realise that in actual fact, it was merely about a Cindy doll who had been beheaded.

I personally filmed this along with Nicole. We chose to do over the shoulder shots, to increase the claustrophobia of the scene. And the camera followed Lizzie across the room which was intended feel as if we were sitting in the room or intruding in some way. The shot at the beginning where Lizzie walked towards the camera was meant to make our audience feel slightly intimidated by her as Megan should because she was the one who was tied up with the scarf.

The set we used was an art room in our school as it seemed the most interesting, though obviously a girls room would have been better and made it more realistic.

Fortunately, we were set this task on a non-uniform day in out school so we weren't all in our suits pretending to be children whose dolls had been abused by our sisters. I think that Lizzie's outfit was good as it was interesting and purple is often a sign of authority.

Monday 21 November 2011

The Usual Suspects

The Usual Suspects is a brilliant film, though it came 25th in the IMDB top 250, I would personally have rated it far higher.

It opens with a lengthy view over a river showing lights which create lines of white rippling in the darkness. This builds up the tension needed for the beginning when a character, later discovered to be called 'Keaton' be shot by a man whose face is concealed.

There are many close-ups during the interrogation scenes which shows the  claustrophobia of the small office. Also the interrogator is always sitting on the desk and looking down at Verbal (Kevin Spacey) which puts him in the position of being in a higher status. He repeatedly reminds Verbal that he is a 'cripple' and calls him stupid many times. Which helps to highlight the mind-blowing twist at the end, which could make any film look simple and shallow.

The awards received by The Usual Suspects:
- Two Oscars (Best supporting actor, Kevin Spacey & Best original screenplay, ChristopherMcQuarrie)
- Three British Academy Awards (Best film, best screenplay, best editing)

- Two Independent Spirit Awards (Best Screenplay & Best supporting actor, Benicio Del Toro)
- Two Seattle International Film Festival Awards (Best director & Best Actor, Kevin Spacey)
- The Saturn Award (Best musical score)
- The Edgar Allan Poe Award (Best Movie)
- The Tokyo Silver Award (To Bryan Singer)

I think you will agree an impressive set of awards!

Thursday 17 November 2011

UK Film Industies

Warp Films: They vary in genre and style. But are often very unusual or artistic, for example 'Bunny And The Bull' was a comedy, made by the creators of british comedy The Mighty Boosh. Warp also produces mostly british films rather than the big American 'Blockbusters' which make up an extremely large percentage of the film industry.
85% of the film industry is made up by Columbia, Paramount,Universal, Disney, Fox and Buena Vista. Which are all American producers.

Studio Canal are European Producers and distributors of films.
They have produced many films such as, Duncan Jones’ Source Code, Tomas Alfredson's Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and Kathryn Bigelow's The Hurt Locker. Which were all huge in 2011 and made thousands in the box office.

Vertigo Films is a distributor of independent cinema. The films they distribute are commercially driven. They also distributed Europe's first 3D live action movie, Streetdance 3D, which beat Disney's Prince Of Persia to number 1. And came to be one of the most successful films around the world in 2010.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Coen Brothers: Filmography

The Coen Brothers are producers, screenwriters and directors. Their work is well known for not being compressed or altered to fit into a genre or type. Their films have a meaning, not only held within the film. But for society and the way in which we live.

For instance: Fargo. This 'thriller' is about a pregnant police officer who is tracking down two men who have killed three people,including a sheriff in escape with a kidnapped woman, whom they are being paid to take so that a car salesman can make some money. This could be said to be this one man's cruelty toward his wife. Whereas I believe it reflects society and how some people could even harm the ones who love them, just to get some money.

Another film by Joel and Ethan Coen is True Grit. An adventurous western taken from a book. This film in particular is unusual as it is a re-make of another film. It tells the story of a young girl who's father was murdered. Because she shows such determination and 'Grit' this inspires others join her to kill the rutheless killer.Though she is descriminated in the begginig for being a 'child' and also female, she in the end is the one who shows true grit. Eventhough she hired an eledged 'tracker' who was a bit pathetic. Because she showed such faith in him, this lead to him in the end to also show what it means to have true grit.

Here are a few other films made by the Coens...
No Country for Old Men, Blood Simple, Raising Arizona, Miller's Crossing, Barton Fink, The Hudsucker Proxy, The Big Lebowski,O Brother, Where Art Thou & The Man Who Wasn't there.