Sunday, 18 December 2011

Initial thoughts

My initial thoughts are to create a psychological horror genre piece.I have watched The Shining and Donnie Darko and i found them interesting storylines, and the set for The Shining was very good.

Another thought is to create a drama piece similar to The Usual Suspects. This I thought was a great film, but the beginning would be difficult to re-create. The scene involves darkness a varied range of shots and camera angles, someone getting shot, this would all be difficult to do for a school AS project.

I dismissed a comedy genre, this would be fun to make, but it would be hard to create something that others find funny. I may have an unusual sense of humour! The Inbetweeners was a good TV series, the men who made it used material that they found funny at school and used this to develop the script. To do a comedy around a school would be very challenging, and it has been done before.

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