Sunday, 18 March 2012

Feedback....Not Neccisarily All Glory

My General mark was a level 3,which I personally, was very happy with. Though I will not pretend it was all perfect. So I am going to write up ALL of my negative comments, and work on them (if I can)...Firstly, a few people said that it does not look like the girl is reading in one shot, though this cannot be worked on I am afraid, as it is obviously far too late! But with the audio of the poem over the top, I can now hope that it will appear more realistic.
The same shot was also said to have been too long, though the audio may help this, I think I will shorten this and add in some other shots to jazz it up a little!!

Secondly, some people said that the pictures perhaps moved too fast? So I may slow down a few shots, which may also solve the problem that some people believed it was too short.

Thirdly, though a few people enjoyed the black screen for the titles, some said it was a little dull, and that the titling could be more exciting. Though because of the theme of subtlety for my piece, I personally like the font. But I will look through some others and see if there are any improvements. I also will perhaps put some of the titling over my shots, like the One Red Balloon title.

And last... though certainly not least, rather embarrassing but I spelt Photography wrong!! Please, I have fixed it since.. it is no longer an issue.

But the rest of the comments were very positive, everyone seemed to like Horizon Industries as a production company. And they enjoyed the varied shots. All that is left is to work on the negatives, be happy about the positives and keep, keep working at it. Aim for level 4? I shall try.


I uploaded this to Youtube, sadly no comments yet but have had plenty of class feedback, so it's fine.
I have also re-recorded and edited the audio (FINALLY!) but this is NOT on this copy, though it will be coming soon to the blog, hope you enjoy this.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

'Discuss The Representation Of Gender...'

In the clip from The Wire In The Blood...

The first image we see is that of the woman walking infront of the man, which instantly shows that she is the more dominant character of the two, and the first thing she says is 'You don't terminate my interviews' which to me, sounded a little like she were talking to a child. The fact that she says 'you' rather than his name makes him seem below her.

The camera shots also, always have the woman in front when she is in shot, similarly showing her authority.

Though the fact that she calls him and says 'please' shows that she perhaps needs him underneath it all.

Her son is perhaps scared of her 'she's always angry, and she's always tired.' The fact that she comes down the stairs and he is sitting at the bottom of them shows that she is above him, aswell as being above Tony.
She doesn't spend much time with her son, which is shown by the fact they used to have a nanny, and more so because she left after a row when the little boy called her 'Mummy' which shows her underlying jealousy.

The clip also shows a different side, in which the woman goes out to work while the man, stays home and looks after the child. which is almost breaking tradition.


There is a strong contrast of different types of men. For example there is the kind, caring Tony, who stays at Alex's to look after her child. Tony is also ver reccessive to Alex and follows her authority, to a certain extent. And he is more inconvenienced by being 'stuck' with her child.

 Whereas there is the far more violent man in a black coat, who is evicting some (perhaps drug addicts) from squatting in a building.

Hustle Clip...


The first shot we see is of two people, a man and a woman, it then focuses in on a glamorous looking woman with blond hair. Afterwards we see a smaller woman, who looks shockingly 'out of place' in the shop and asks for how much it is, she looks very stunned by it's price and is looked down upon by the shop assistant, who is a man far taller than herself.

Then the blond woman asks for a designer and tries on a dress, then casually buys it at £3,000 which is a strong contrast to the woman who could not afford a £700 dress.

The suave, relaxed mood is suddenly broken by her lost ring, which she then becomes hysterical about. She claims her husband will 'Kill me' showing that she is not as doiminant as she felt at the beggining. She then wrecks the shop, showing she feels she is still above it.

In the end we see the same woman, who the man brings the money to, showing she is perhaps not the woman we first thought she was.


The male shop assistant looks down on the woman at the beggining who cannot afford the dress. Which is very patronising.

But he then changes completely when he notices the pretty blonde woman, when he becomes far more reccessive, even more so when she claims to have lost her ring.

He then is brought down by another man, he becomes far less dominant and is brought down to begging.

Sunday, 4 March 2012


I decided I'd add some music to my final piece,  I chose this as it is copyright free. I personally found it was a beautiful piece of music, and it reminded me of Ludovico Einaudi.
After listening to a few this was the decision I came to.