Sunday, 18 March 2012

Feedback....Not Neccisarily All Glory

My General mark was a level 3,which I personally, was very happy with. Though I will not pretend it was all perfect. So I am going to write up ALL of my negative comments, and work on them (if I can)...Firstly, a few people said that it does not look like the girl is reading in one shot, though this cannot be worked on I am afraid, as it is obviously far too late! But with the audio of the poem over the top, I can now hope that it will appear more realistic.
The same shot was also said to have been too long, though the audio may help this, I think I will shorten this and add in some other shots to jazz it up a little!!

Secondly, some people said that the pictures perhaps moved too fast? So I may slow down a few shots, which may also solve the problem that some people believed it was too short.

Thirdly, though a few people enjoyed the black screen for the titles, some said it was a little dull, and that the titling could be more exciting. Though because of the theme of subtlety for my piece, I personally like the font. But I will look through some others and see if there are any improvements. I also will perhaps put some of the titling over my shots, like the One Red Balloon title.

And last... though certainly not least, rather embarrassing but I spelt Photography wrong!! Please, I have fixed it since.. it is no longer an issue.

But the rest of the comments were very positive, everyone seemed to like Horizon Industries as a production company. And they enjoyed the varied shots. All that is left is to work on the negatives, be happy about the positives and keep, keep working at it. Aim for level 4? I shall try.

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