Thursday 12 January 2012

My Mood Board

Every film long or short should have a mood board.

Here are some images that have helped me with my thoughts.

I always liked people reading to me, and i listen to alot of audio books. I have not read a lot of poetry, but my mum suggests some to me, and the ones i have read really create a feeling within me. I want to try to re-create this feeling within the audience.

This poster by Banksy got me thinking about the significance of a red balloon, but also the use of colour, where the balloon stands out from the other grey images, it is the focus of attention.

The picture of sadness of a girl with her balloons, there is a sense of something is over here, something has happened.

Cemeteries are sad places, so i have chosen a couple of pictures from cemeteries to represent sadness and loss.
This is central to my film, i need to get this across as much as i can.
 Finally a picture of Elm Hill deserted, a street with no-one in it a lonely place. The girl will walk down a lonely street like this.

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