Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Looking at Opening Scenes For Ideas : Se7en

This is the opening scene from Se7en, have a look at this and see if you agree with me.


Mise En Scene:

There is eerie music in the background (Nine Inch Nails) . This is full of screeching noises which almost sound like screaming, as the opening goes on, the music picks up speed and increases the tension of the piece.

What we can see is a man creating a book. Many of these images are extremely disturbing for example a photograph of what appears to be a man with a thin metal pole through his skull. There are many other photographs of people crying, screaming or in pain. All these shots are in close up, which makes the audience is there or almost like they intruding or like that of a voyeur. This then makes them feel very uncomfortable.

We can only see this man's hands, which makes us instantly want to know more about the character, which draws us in. As we never see his face, he almost doesn't appear human or to have human sympathy or any other emotions.

The entire piece is filmed in a grey/blue/grungy tint which makes it feel more edgy and tense. These aren't natural colours which makes it very scary as we are not used to this colour scheme in everyday life.

He seems evil or criminal as he cuts off his finger pads with a razor. This image is very shocking and makes us believe that if it is easy for him to cause such pain to himself, that it could be just as easy to cause pain or misery to other people. And also shows that he does not want to be recognised. 

The overall opening is very effective as, though it is not enjoyable, it is very luring.
Do you agree?

I learnt from this that we do not need dialogue or lots of characters to draw people into a film and to interest. Because there are so many questions we feel we want to ask, this causes us to be engaged into the film.

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